Spirit FM Unlocked 2014_02_14

 Current Version: 2014_02_14
Requires Android: 2.1 and up
Category: Music & Audio
v2014_02_14 update:
- Feb 14 beta: LG G2 improvements.
- Jan 15: LG G2 support on CM/stock, MotoG adjustments.
- Jan 10: OmniROM detection and Audio workaround for Jan6+ i9300/n7100 Omni bug.
- Dec 27: KitKat permissions, GT-N7100 digital audio, MotoG fixes + digital audio, stock G2 attempt 2.
- Dec 5: ART fix, stock MotoG, stock HTC One KitKat FM disable warning.
- Sep 18: Golden.
Spirit FM Radio is a real, tuned, “over the air” FM radio app. It is NOT a streaming app which requires expensive data plans and drains your battery.
PLEASE NOTE: I am still fixing bugs and adding some phone supports on this “Spirit1 Unlocked”. But new features and the bulk of my time are now focused on Spirit2, still in beta: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2537861
Satisfaction guaranteed or full refund. Cancel any time on request. To cancel, email mikereidis@gmail.com with at least your name, email of purchase, and/or order ID or email receipt.
If you’re an average phone user, & don’t know what Android “rooting” is, Spirit will likely not offer you much more than your stock FM app. If your phone does not have a stock FM app, it is unlikely that Spirit will work on it.
Spirit is mostly for Android enthusiasts who “root” & “ROM” their phones. But it also works on many stock, “store bought” phones.
Spirit Unlocked includes (in addition to Spirit Free features):
- Digital audio features on a few devices: supported ONLY on: ROOTED (non-stock !) International Galaxy S/S2/S3/Note/Note2/Player, ROOTED (non-stock !) HTC One/OneXL/OneS/Evo 4G LTE/Xperia T and most stock Sony 2012-2013 devices.
Digital audio features are no longer described here because WAY too many people think they will work on stock, un-rooted phones.
- RDS data display in App, Lock-screen & Notification window. RT, PS, PTY, PI & AF RadioText RT, Program Service PS, Program Type PTY, Program ID PI & Alternate Frequency AF.
- Lock-screen & Wired Headset Media Button support for mute, preset, seek, volume & record.
- Many settings: Audio, UI, AF, Digital & Debug categories.
- Unlimited Presets & Preset Lists.
FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=31983089
I understand the price may seem high, but this is a niche app with 9,000 hours of work required over 2.7 years. How many other “Real FM Radio” apps are on Google Play ? Almost none.
Why ? Because Android FM is extremely difficult. Google doesn’t support FM radio and carriers suppress it. Intensive reverse engineering is required. In the over 2 years since Spirit was first created, nobody else has been “crazy” enough to attempt to compete in this niche. :)
Spirit is not a throwaway game app you play for a few days. How many hours will you spend listening to FM radio in the next several years ?
How much can you save on data plans by listening to free, over the air radio versus streaming ?
If you care about app quality, note CNet article “We’re not paying enough for apps”: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=23568502&postcount=2523
I’m one developer and Spirit is my only app and income. I’m trying to do a job Google said they couldn’t for lack of developer resources. :)
Your support for Spirit is appreciated.
For tons of further info, and links to free test versions, please see my XDA thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=13385163
Thanks !