Fungo TV-China Live 1.2.8

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Current Version: 1.2.8
Requires Android: 2.2 and up
Category: Media & Video
v1.2.8 update:
1. 地方频道中增加港台分类
2. 增加社交分享功能,与更多好友分享云图的精彩
3. 替换一批无法播放或缓冲慢的源
4. 解决部分机型定时频繁缓冲问题
5. 部分大屏手机界面适配
6. 其他bug修复和优化
By leading network television broadcast technology,FungoTV provide free more than 40 Chinese hot channels webcast including CCTV-1,CCTV-2,CCTV-3 ,CCTV-5, CCTV-6, CCTV10,CCTV-13, Hunan TV, Zhejiang TV, Jiangsu TV , Guangdong Sports, Phoenix Chinese, Phoenix News, Jade, national Geographic and more.
- Covering all china Hot TV Channels.
- Providing real-time TV programs screen shots,let you know what’s now!
- Stable and smooth Webcast.
- High precise China program guides;
- The ultimate simple design experience